中文名称 英文名称
谷物制品 Grain products
大米制品(例如米粉、汤圆粉及其他制品等) White rice products (such as rice flour, glutinous rice flour and other products, etc.)
小麦粉制品 Wheat flour products
生湿面制品(例如面条、饺子皮、馄饨皮、烧麦皮等) Raw wet noodle products (such as noodles, dumpling wrappers, wonton wrappers, shao-mai wrappers, etc.)
生干面制品 Fresh and dried pasta products
发酵面制品 Fermented pasta products
面糊(例如用于鱼和禽肉的拖面糊)、裹粉、煎炸粉 Batter (such as pouring batter for fish and poultry products), coating flour and firying flour
面筋 Gluten
其他小麦粉制品 Other wheat flour products
玉米制品 Corn products
其他谷物制品(例如带馅(料)面米制品、八宝粥罐头等) Other grain products (such as flour rice products with stuffing (material), canned rice pudding, etc.)