中文名称 英文名称
水果及其制品 Fruit and its products
新鲜水果(未经加工的、经表面处理的、去皮或预切的、冷冻的水果) Fresh fruit (fruit that has not been processed, surface treated, peeled or pre-cut, or frozen)
浆果和其他小粒水果 Berries and other arabica fruit
其他新鲜水果(包括甘蔗) Other fresh fruits (including sugar cane)
水果制品 Fruit products
水果罐头 Canned fruit
水果干类 Dried fruit
醋、油或盐渍水果 Vinegared, oiled or salted fruit
果酱(泥) Jam (puree)
蜜饯凉果(包括果丹皮) Candied and preserved fruit (including fruit leather)
发酵的水果制品 Fermented fruit products
煮熟的或油炸的水果 Boiled or fried fruit
水果甜品 Fruit desserts
其他水果制品 Other fruit products