中文名称 英文名称
水果及其制品 Fruit and its products
新鲜水果(未经加工的、经表面处理的、去皮或预切的、冷冻的水果) Fresh fruit (fruit that has not been processed, surface treated, peeled or pre-cut, or frozen)
浆果和其他小粒水果 Berries and other arabica fruit
其他新鲜水果(包括甘蔗) Other fresh fruits (including sugar cane)
水果制品 Fruit products
水果罐头 Canned fruit
水果干类 Dried fruit
醋、油或盐渍水果 Vinegared, oiled or salted fruit
果酱(泥) Jam (puree)
蜜饯凉果(包括果丹皮) Candied and preserved fruit (including fruit leather)
发酵的水果制品 Fermented fruit products
煮熟的或油炸的水果 Boiled or fried fruit
水果甜品 Fruit desserts
其他水果制品 Other fruit products
谷物及其制品(不包括焙烤制品) Grains and their products (not including baked goods)
谷物 Grains
稻谷 Paddy rice
玉米 Corn
小麦 Wheat
大麦 Barley
其他谷物[例如栗(谷子)、高粱、黑麦、燕麦、荞麦等] Other grains (such as millet, sorghum, rye, oats, buckwheat, etc.)
谷物碾磨加工品 Processed milled grain products
糙米 Brown rice
大米 White rice
小麦粉 Wheat flour
玉米面(渣、片) Corn flour (grits, flakes)
麦片 Oatmeal
其他去壳谷物(例如小米、高粱米、大麦米、黍米等) Other hulled grains (such as millet, sorghum rice, pearl barley, broomcorn millet, etc.)
谷物制品 Grain products
大米制品(例如米粉、汤圆粉及其他制品等) White rice products (such as rice flour, glutinous rice flour and other products, etc.)
小麦粉制品 Wheat flour products
生湿面制品(例如面条、饺子皮、馄饨皮、烧麦皮等) Raw wet noodle products (such as noodles, dumpling wrappers, wonton wrappers, shao-mai wrappers, etc.)
生干面制品 Fresh and dried pasta products
发酵面制品 Fermented pasta products
面糊(例如用于鱼和禽肉的拖面糊)、裹粉、煎炸粉 Batter (such as pouring batter for fish and poultry products), coating flour and firying flour
面筋 Gluten
其他小麦粉制品 Other wheat flour products
玉米制品 Corn products
其他谷物制品(例如带馅(料)面米制品、八宝粥罐头等) Other grain products (such as flour rice products with stuffing (material), canned rice pudding, etc.)
豆类及其制品 Legumes and their products
豆类(干豆、以干豆磨成的粉) Legumes (dried beans, flour made from ground dried beans)
豆类制品 Legume products
非发酵豆制品(例如豆浆、豆腐类、豆干类、腐竹类、熟制豆类、大豆蛋白膨化食品、大豆素肉等) Unfermented legume products (such as soy milk, bean curd, dried bean curd, dried bean curd sticks, cooked legumes, soy protein puffed food, soy vegetarian meat, etc.)
发酵豆制品(例如腐乳类、纳豆、豆豉、豆豉制品等) Fermented legume products (such as fermented bean curd, fermented soy beans, tempeh, tempeh products, etc.)
豆类罐头 Canned legumes
坚果及籽类 Nuts and seeds
生干坚果及籽类 Raw and dried nuts and seeds
木本坚果(树果) Tree nuts
油料(不包括谷物种子和豆类) Oils (not including grain seed and legumes)
饮料及甜味种子(例如可可豆、咖啡豆等) Beverages and sweet seeds (such as cocoa beans, coffee beans, etc.)
坚果及籽类制品 Nut and seed products
熟制坚果及籽类(带壳、脱壳、包衣) Cooked nuts and seeds (with and without shells, coated)
坚果及籽类罐头 Canned nuts and seeds
坚果及籽类的泥(酱)(例如花生酱等) Nut and seed purees (sauces), including peanut butter, etc.
其他坚果及籽类制品(例如腌渍的果仁等) Other nut and seed products (such as pickled nuts, etc.)
乳及乳制品 Milk and milk products
生乳 Raw milk
巴氏杀菌乳 Pasteurized milk
灭菌乳 Sterilized milk
调制乳 Modified milk
发酵乳 Fermented milk
炼乳 Condensed milk
乳粉 Milk powder
乳清粉和乳清蛋白粉(包括非脱盐乳清粉) Whey powder and whey protein powder (including non-desalted whey powder)
干酪 Cheese
再制干酪 Processed cheese
其他乳制品(包括酪蛋白) Other milk products (including casein)
油脂及其制品 Oils & fats and their products
植物油脂 Vegetable oils & fats
动物油脂(例如猪油、牛油、鱼油、稀奶油、奶油、无水奶油等) Animal oils & fats (such as lard, beef fat, fish oil, cream, butter, anhydrous butter, etc.)
油脂制品 Oils & fats products
氢化植物油及以氢化植物油为主的产品(例如人造奶油、起酥油等) Hydrogenated vegetable oils and hydrogenated vegetable oil-based products (such as margarine, shortening, etc.)
调和油 Blend oil
其他油脂制品 Other oils & fats products
调味品 Seasonings
食用盐 Table salt
味精 Monosodium glutamate
食醋 Vinegar
酱油 Soy sauce
酿造酱 Brewing sauce
调味料酒 Flavored wine
香辛料类 Spices
香辛料及粉 Spices and flour
香辛料油 Spice oils
香辛料酱(例如芥末酱、青芥酱等) Spice sauces (such as mustard, wasabi sauce, etc.)
其他香辛料加工 Other processed spice foods
水产调味品 Aquatic seasonings
鱼类调味品(例如鱼露等) Fish seasonings (such as fish sauce, etc.)
其他水产调味品(例如蚝油、虾油等) Other aquatic seasonings (such as oyster sauce, prawn sauce, etc.)
复合调味料(例如固体汤料、鸡精、鸡粉、蛋黄酱、沙拉酱、调味清汁等) Complex seasonings (such as stock cubes, chicken essence, chicken stock powder, mayonnaise, salad dressing, gravy, etc.)
其他调味品 Other seasonings
饮料类 Beverages
包装饮用水 Packaged drinking water
矿泉水 Mineral water
纯净水 Pure water
其他包装饮用水 Other packaged drinking water
果蔬汁类及其饮料(例如,苹果汁、苹果醋、山楂汁、山楂醋) Fruit and vegetable juice and their beverages (such as apple juice, apple cider vinegar, hawthom juice, hawthorn vinegar, etc.)
果蔬汁(浆) Fruit and vegetable juice (pulp)
浓缩果蔬汁(浆) Concentrated fruit and vegetable juice (pulp)
其他果蔬汁(肉)饮料(包含发酵型产品) Other fruit and vegetable juice (lesh) beverages (including fermented products)
蛋白饮料类 Protein drinks
含乳饮料(例如发酵型含乳饮料、配制型含乳饮料、乳酸菌饮料等) Beverages containing milk (fermented beverages containing milk, formulated beverages ontaining milk, lactobacillus drinks)
植物蛋白饮料 Plant protein drinks
复合蛋白饮料 Compound protein beverages
其他蛋白饮料 Other protein drinks
碳酸饮料 Carbonated drinks
茶饮料 Tea drinks
咖啡类饮料 Coffee drinks
植物饮料 Plant beverages
风味饮料 Flavored beverages
固体饮料(包括速溶咖啡、研磨咖啡(烘焙咖啡)) Solid beverages (including instant coffee, ground coffee (roasted offee)
其他饮料 Other beverages
酒类 Liquor
蒸馏酒(例如白酒、白兰地、威士忌、伏特加、朗姆酒等) Distilled spirits (such as Chinese white wine, brandy, whiskey, vodka, rum, etc.)
配制酒 Compound wine
发酵酒(例如葡萄酒、黄酒、啤酒等) Fermented liquor (such as grape wine, millet wine, beer, etc.)
特殊膳食用食品 Foods for special dietary uses
婴幼儿配方食品 Formula for infants and young children
婴儿配方食品 Infant formula
较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品 Formula for older infants and young children
特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品 Infant formula for special medical purposes
婴幼儿辅助食品 Supplementary foods for infants and young children
婴幼儿谷类辅助食品 Cereal supplementary foods for infants and young children
婴幼儿罐装辅助食品 Canned supplementary foods for infants and young children
其他特殊膳食用食品(例如辅食营养补充品、运动营养食品、孕妇及乳母营养补充食品等) Foods for special medical uses (excluding variety involved in infant formula for special medical uses)
特殊医学用途配方食品(特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品涉及的品种除外) Other food for special dietary uses (such as complementary food supplement, sports nutrition food and nutrient supplementary food for pregnant and lactating women)